Podcasts: The Big Jiu Jitsu Show

Thanks to today’s world we have a plethora of knowledge just waiting on our computer screen.  We watch and study what others have done in the past to hopefully find that one niche that might help us the next time we roll.  I myself like to hear stories from different people, yes I do watch the same videos you all do but I am also a podcast junkie.  Thankfully there are a few of them to choose from.

I certainly have a favorite but I listen to quite a few.  The Big Jiu Jitsu Show, Open Mat Radio, Jiu Jitsu After Dark, and Verbal Tap are my most frequented stations.  They discuss all the most intimate details of many different things going on in our community that we otherwise wouldn’t have access to on a normal basis.  It’s these people that do this just strictly for the love of Jiu Jitsu.

I recently had the pleasure of talking with Rob Austin of The Big Jiu Jitsu Show about a lot of opinions I have about today’s Jiu Jitsu community.  I’m not going to spoil it, you will have to wait for the podcast to hear the details.  Something we didn’t talk about on air was the effort himself and his co-host Shawn Kyle puts in to making these shows.  Currently Rob is a purple belt from team Checkmat from Chute Boxe academy in Sierra Vista Arizona.  He is stationed in Germany on a 3 year deployment For the United States Army.  Yep this full time active duty Staff Sergeant is not only working to spread the Jiu Jitsu word, he is also helping protect our country.  Shawn Kyle is a military contractor working out of Sierra Vista AZ and is a blue belt also under Checkmat.  Shawn takes pride in talking to the everyday Joe of Jiu Jitsu and feels he relates well to them. He also stands firm that he doesn’t give advice to others on something that he himself has not personally experienced but loves to help if he can. Very respectful if I place my opinion on that!bjj

These guys are making their mark on today’s Jiu Jitsu community.  Working day to day doing interviews, round table discussions, and following our little world to try and stay up on today’s current events.  All while working with today’s military and training this sport we love.  Show your support and listen in to their show you certainly won’t be disappointed.  Something I always stand behind is a person working to better himself and the belief that we all started from the bottom.  These guys have only just started I am excited to follow them as they grow I certainly appreciate all that do for Jiu Jitsu!!

Rob would like to thank his sponsor Breakpoint Fc for helping him along on his journey.  He speaks very highly of them and all they have done. Shawn is currently looking for a sponsor which I don’t believe will last to long with a resume like his
White Belt:
NABJJF Words 2014: 2nd Place
Hayastan Grappling Challenge 2014: 2nd Place BJJ; 2nd Place Judo
Blue Belt:
Pan American Championship 2015:  Competitor
Jump quick guys he has only just begun!

Please check out The Big Jiu Jitsu Show on Facebook to find how to listen to their show and to show your support to these guys! By all means tell them I sent you! Oss!!

The post Podcasts: The Big Jiu Jitsu Show appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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