Looking to pass open guard in BJJ? Attention to the chin and wrist

"Gigi" Paiva on the attack at Internationals Master 2010 / Photo: Gustavo Aragão/

The leader of the Rio de Janeiro chapter of Alliance Jiu-Jitsu academy, Alexandre “Gigi” Paiva paid a recent visit to the team affiliate in Vitória da Conquista, Rodrigo Minotauro’s city of birth. There, the Jiu-Jitsu professor held a highly sought-after seminar and shared some of his technique.

In the video below Gigi demonstrates a simple and effective guard pass. Heed how important it is to defend your neck, as well as to grab the opponent’s wrist and belt. The most important part, however, is to keep the opponent’s wrist and hand trapped against the ground. “I can’t let my opponent get his wrist off the ground. This way I undermine any chances he might have for defense,” Paiva taught.

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The post Looking to pass open guard in BJJ? Attention to the chin and wrist first appeared on Graciemag.
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