Bráulio Estima has a plan to surprise Leandro Lo at the ADCC Trials

Bráulio Estima vs. Andre Galvao in 2013. Erin Herle/GRACIEMAG

Three-time ADCC winner Braulio Estima is an athlete who knows how to deal with the rules specific to that organization. Away from ADCC events since 2013, the Gracie Barra fighter currently prepares to face young Leandro Lo in a superfight at the West Coast Trials, scheduled for April 15.

Graciemag talked to Estima to try and find out what he’s planning to unleash on the Brotherhood leader. Read below.

GRACIEMAG.COM: What can you say of Leandro Lo? You’ve been together a few times. What are you able to remember of useful for the Trials?

BRÁULIO ESTIMA: I trained with him in Abu Dhabi four years ago, when we were coaching the sheikh. But, since then, we haven’t trained much together — we’ve just met as friends at seminars across the world. There’s been no proper sparring.

From what you know of his game, can you analyze or project what you’ll be facing on the day of the fight?

Although Leandro is well known for his guard, I believe he has very strong passing, especially in the gi. I believe in no-gi his guard will be more potent, so we’ll have to see a tactical game, since the ADCC is very different for the fact that there are no points in the first minutes and there are afterwards. Other types of locks are available, which is something different from competitive BJJ nowadays.

And what do you intend to bring to surprise Lo and secure a win?

I think there aren’t many ways to surprise Leandro Lo, except for using experience and combinations that put him in a position of disadvantage. He is pumped, taking part in many competitions, and I will need to use my experience in accordance with his game style. Put him in situations where he’s never been before, and making him uncomfortable for as long as possible.

The post Bráulio Estima has a plan to surprise Leandro Lo at the ADCC Trials first appeared on Graciemag.
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